Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Current Issue in Globalization & Multinational Organizations

For this assignment, I read an article about an international parental-child abduction. These two boys traveled with their father to Moscow for an agreed-upon two weeks. The father sent an email to the mother (who resides here in the U.S.) saying that they wouldn't be coming back and would live in Moscow. The mother has custody of them, and it took a year for her to win custody by the Moscow courts.

The background: the mother, an American citizen, married a man with both German and Russian citizenship. Six years later, they had moved to London, then gotten divorced. However, Russia does not consider international parental child abductions a crime…

You can read the whole article here.

There has been an 88% rise in these abductions in the last decade.

It's interesting to consider this view because most of the time, when we hear the word globalization, we think of all the positives. About how great it is to be more unified and in touch with other cultures. But it's definitely seemed to cause more than one mess, too, and we need to work on those policies on a global level, too.

Multinational Organizations

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest, private foundation in the world. Their main mission is to reduce poverty, better healthcare, and increase education opportunities in America. Here are some quotes that accurately sum up their goals:


We seek to unlock the possibility inside every individual.
We see equal value in all lives. And so we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals around the world. From the education of students in Chicago, to the health of a young mother in Nigeria, we are catalysts of human promise everywhere."

The CARE foundation is another leading humanitarian organization. They mainly want to fight global poverty by delivering relief in disasters and promoting social justice globally. 

Many multinational organizations have similar, if not overlapping, goals and missions. They all seem to have a slightly different emphases but similar work that they are doing. Global outreach efforts have been increasing over the years and on the side, contributing to the trend of globalization.

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