Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Chemistry demos & geekery

I've been quite behind on having insightful blogging material, so here's a trip down memory lane -- my last week as a chemistry lab assistant. Here's a snapshot of our week (a few weeks back) of helping out with demonstrations for the kids. It's weird being unemployed…not having multiple jobs.

Here one of the chemists is demonstrating how liquid nitrogen can freeze the rubber tubing after going through.

Some of these balloons have salts put in them, so when a match is lit near them, they explode fire of different colors. Ie. strontium, iron, cupric chloride. 

I am really going to miss working in the chemistry labs, but I know that it's not for me in the long-term. Life is about dabbling in different things and finding your connections. It's fun being in an unknown black hole of mysterious options… 

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