Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Georgian adventure

I experienced a whirlwind of firsts last week -- and loved every second of it. If you know me well, you'll already predict that universe glitches occurred, but it's a good thing that Italy and gap year life have trained me well in the art and science of improvising. 

My first time with the following:

A trip by myself in America. 
Renting a car in America. 
Interviewing for PA school. 
Mailing a package to the United Kingdom. 
Handing out bar soap for a deodorant trial. 
Seeing cheese grits on a menu. 
Wearing a suit. 
Anddddd, wearing heels out in public (don't ask how I managed to hold out this long..)

The universe glitches?

Almost missing my flight due to highway traffic at 4:30am. In Kentucky. 
The first time since the PA program started (11 years) that a plumbing issue occurred and interviews were impromptuly delayed.
Hence, the car rental also acquired a massive extra charge.

I learned that it's all about your opportunities and your attitude. On the way there and back, I ended up talking with the stranger next to me for over an hour. I talked with a military father, who confided I met a through-and-through red-headed Georgian college student, who was about to transfer to Georgia Tech, is studying engineering, took a gap year after high school, is doing cool internships related to aerospace, and wants to backpack Europe with his brother. He's going to go places, I'm sure.

I didn't expect to really get to know any applicants at the interview, because other than the fact that we were all wanting to get into the same program, it's a pretty short time period. I ended up chatting with a Savannah native for a good amount of time, talking about everything from music to..well, PA school. We are now Facebook official friends and also phone friends. :)

How did the interview go?
Eventfully, of course, when you throw my age and art in the mix. We can sum it up in the heading --- prospective applicants: the best of the awkward. 

(I also learned that practically no one outside of Ohio is familiar with our state geography very much.)

Here are some Georgia pictures I captured the morning of (right before) my interview. I'm determined that my photo-taking will not stop with Italy, and hey, if I have to travel for an interview for PA school, I might as well take advantage of my surroundings. :)

While walking around Forsythe Park in the historical district of Savannah. I normally don't paint architecture (not my forte) -- but who's to say that this couldn't be the "it" inspiration for a series?

Now, it's playing the waiting game. I thought I had plenty of practice at this already, but these past few days have been teaching me otherwise. The school was wonderful; Savannah surpassed my expectations with its artsy vibe; and Georgia, oh, beautiful Georgia. I could see myself living there. 

I'll keep y'all updated if there's good news to hear! Otherwise, my Etsy shop is going. I anticipate starting promotion by the end of the month and going public with it -- just a few more paintings to go!

P.S. I packed my suitcase full to the brim with nice clothes and a suit. And pantyhose. The same suitcase I used for Italy here --- conclusion? Get a suitcase this size -- it's quite versatile, apparently. 

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