Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I Lived: notes from my first solo trip

To start off, there exists no tangible way to describe everything meaningful I've gone through since starting on my solo trip. I've brainstormed, pondered, and agonized over what to share and how to share it. I had some of the best experiences of my life, and at the end of the trip, arguably, some of the worst. (But not to worry -- I'm safe and nothing happened in that regard.)

If God had told me before embarking on this trip that I'd be walking around Geneva at 5am alone, doing major problem-solving on 1.5 hours of sleep, bawling my eyes out in front of Swiss men at a train station while relaying my dilemmas, or missing my train back because my baggage (and passport) was locked up, I probably would've passed out from an anxiety attack, ditched the trip, and remained in Florence. 

But if I'd known that I'd be in moments of utter peace at the top of a mountain, overhear deep life regrets on a train, share a bittersweet hug with an essential stranger, pray with people I met just the day before, share a 3 hour conversation about family, travel, life, and God with a Texas stranger -- then none of the mishaps would have mattered.

This trip reminded me that there's so much you can do in such a short amount of time. I can't believe my time here in Italy is almost gone -- and that just keeps me motivated all the more to take advantage of every moment. Volunteering. Choir. Meeting up with Italians. Taking photos. Cooking. Speaking Italian. Painting more. All while sorting out plans for when I return to Ohio.

I'll surely be sharing more about lessons learned the hard way, the eclectic people I met on the road, skills I didn't know I had, and the beauty of uncertainty -- all from a 10 day improvised 11 day trip. I've got a boatload of stories to tell that would last me years, and will be posting plenty of photos on my Tumblr (Instagram also has a "picture-a-day" theme I did for the trip).

Being that blog posts cannot tell the whole story, here's your motivation to have a coffee date with me upon my return. :)

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