To start off, I would like to proudly announce and point out my banner photo of Florence. See that beautiful view? That's right, I took it! Now that I'm actually here, I don't need to use other people's photos for my blog ;)
And now,
What you've all been waiting for -- my home stay.
I live in a apartment-type complex with an older, retired lady who speaks just about as much English as I do Italian. In fact, her English-speaking skills are probably better than my Italian-speaking skills.
I'll share the story as I guide you to my temporary home through pictures.
(You can take a look here to see where I live, in the context of the city.)
So -- welcome to the street alley of Borgo della Stella! On the left, you'll see a door with the number 7. That's where I live! Excuse the construction that is currently going on every day, starting at 7am. Lots of renovation is being done in this area. Perche? The apartment complex building has been here since around 1450 --( yes, the year). So extra little help is always wanted here and there, now and again.
The first key will get you through this door. I live in a very authentic and local area of Firenze.
You are immediately greeted with stairs.
Then more stairs...
That is the entry to my home.
For obvious privacy reasons (even though I have permission), we've skipped right through to the entrance of my personal abode. This glass-looking door doesn't shut, but rather flips in and out.
When you go in, the bathroom door is on the right, and the bedroom's on the left. We'll save the bathroom for another day.
If you start at the top left and work your way to the right, envision a panorama.
Upon moving in, a cat also lived here. She was sick, dying of cancer, and my host mom/grandma would take her to the vet every week. The cat basically lived in the laundry room and did not move much. On day 2, this cat was apparently euthanized, after living with my host for 16 years. Quite a beginning to my move here.
Hope you all enjoyed this little tour of my home!
Stay tuned for photos of my school, my laundry experience, grocery shopping on my own, and interesting encounters!
Your room looks nice and spacious!