Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Quirky insights to science, art, studying abroad, & other miscellaneous happenings.

Italy Details

The Facts.

It's the last semester of undergrad for me.
My program is AIFS (American Institute of Foreign Study) with Richmond, The American International University in London.
I'm leaving on January 17, 2014. My program is from January 18 to May 9.

The Story.

Since my high school days, the thought of study abroad was always subconsciously there, in the back of my mind. My imagination took me just about anywhere - I wasn't too picky. Anyhow, when it came time to research programs, however, Australia and New Zealand actually topped my list.

'Twas a difficult decision and a lot of pondering to even get to the point of deciding Italy. I wish I had journaled that whole struggle, but I barely remember it now. I really looked to Australia for the middle ground (offering both biology and art) but for some reason, I felt like I would be cutting myself short if I didn't choose Italy. Italy was also slightly more affordable. As a science major and someone who is planning on going to PA school, I don't know if I'll ever have the opportunity to simply explore art for a whole semester abroad. As much as I love healthcare, I wanted to give myself to chance to develop my artsy side, too, and to gain a balanced outlook of the world.

So here's to a semester in Italy!

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